
User Guide

Content Page

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Features
  4. FAQ
  5. Command Summary
  6. Acknowledgements


RJ21 is a one-stop task manager desktop app that helps you to keep track of your to-dos, deadlines and events.

Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have at least Java 11 installed in your laptop.
  2. Download the latest version of RJ21.jar file here.
  3. Once downloaded, double-click it to run.
  4. You should see something like this:
    Image of Start Screen
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.


  1. Add tasks
  2. List all tasks
  3. Mark tasks as done
  4. Delete tasks
  5. Find tasks using keyword
  6. Update current tasks
  7. Get list of commands
  8. Exit RJ21

Feature 1: Add tasks

You can add tasks of 3 types: To-do, Deadline and Event.


  1. To-do: todo <description>
    • Example: todo iP user guide

      Expected outcome:
      Image of To-do Screen
  2. Deadline: deadline <description> /by <YYYY-MM-DD>
    • Example: deadline iP user guide /by 2020-09-13

      Expected outcome:
      Image of Deadline Screen
  3. Event: event <description /at <YYYY-MM-DD>
    • Example: event CS2103T lecture /at 2020-09-11

      Expected outcome:
      Image of Deadline Screen

Feature 2: List all tasks

You can list out all the tasks that you had added.


Get list of tasks: list

Feature 3: Mark tasks as done

You can mark your completed tasks as done.


Mark task as done: done <index>

Feature 4: Delete tasks

You can delete your tasks.


Delete task: delete <index>

Feature 5: Find tasks using keyword

You can find all matching tasks by searching the keyword.


Find task: find <keyword>

Feature 6: Update tasks

You can update your current task’s description or date.


Find task: update <index> <desc/date> <new description/YYYY-MM-DD>

Feature 7: Get list of commands

You can view all available commands to use.


Get list of commands: help

Feature 8: Quit RJ21

You can exit and close the application.


Exit: bye

Expected outcome: RJ21 closed immediately.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous RJ21 home folder.

If you have any further questions, please contact me through the email provided in acknowledgements.

Command Summary

Action Format
Add 1. todo <description>
2. deadline <description> /by <YYYY-MM-DD>
3. event <description /at <YYYY-MM-DD>
List list
Done done <index>
Delete delete <index>
Find find <keyword>
Update update <index> <desc/date> <new description/YYYY-MM-DD>
Help help
Bye bye


All images and characters used belonged to the respective owners. According to fair use, the images used is for my CS2103T individual project and for educational purpose solely. If there is any problems with using the images found online, please contact me at michaeliatantong@gmail.com.